Revista Enfoques Educacionales
<p><strong>Enfoques Educacionales Journal</strong> is an open-access scientific journal published biannually, with issues released in January and July. It is edited by the Department of Education at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile. The journal’s purpose is to support, promote, and disseminate specialized information and scientific knowledge, particularly from Latin America, through the publication of original, full-text articles available for free access. It is aimed at academics, researchers, education professionals, and the general public interested in the scientific and technological research within the fields of Social Sciences and Education.</p> <p>The main topics covered by the journal relate to education at all levels and its various implications. Preference is given to research conducted in Chile and Latin America. Articles and research may be published in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. Since 2022, the journal has adopted the Creative Commons license <a href="">CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.</a></p>Universidad de Chilees-ESRevista Enfoques Educacionales0717-3229Tactile as an artistic-educational and cultural experience in integration establishments in Región Metropolitana de Santiago in Chile
<p>This article reports part of the results of a larger investigation, whose purpose was to identify the aesthetic-tactile categorizations present in the speech of students with visual disabilities in six integration establishments in the Metropolitan region based on the interaction with tactile works of art from a national artist. The study was qualitative with a phenomenological emphasis and with the ethnographic interview technique for the analysis of qualitative content related to sensory development, appreciation and aesthetic-tactile criticism. It was discussed based on four categories of analysis, concluding that experiences that involve the aesthetic-tactile are vital for inclusion, subjective and intersubjective processes, epistemological training of the student and a dialectic between critical educational experiences and cultural production.</p>Maricel Gomez de la Errechea Cohas
Copyright (c) 2025 Maricel Gomez de la Errechea Cohas
2025-01-272025-01-2722112410.5354/2735-7279.2025.74044Teaching knowledge in the national common curricular base and in the curricular reference of Rondônia
<p>In this manuscript, we assume that the knowledge necessary for teaching, whether in elementary, secondary or higher education, results from an ontological process that begins before the initial teacher training course, as indicated by Freire (1996), Gauthier et al. (2013), Nóvoa (1992, 2017) and Tardif (2000, 2012, 2014). In the ontological process, reconstructed during a doctoral research, we analyzed the Brazilian National Common Curricular Base and the Curricular Reference of the State of Rondônia. With the objective of establishing relations between curricular knowledge and the study domains of didactic transposition, we identify, explicitly or implicitly in the textualization of both documents, the publicity, social control and curricular programs regarding planetary models. The results indicate that both documents list practically the same curricular knowledge, with regional specificities not being considered in the state document. The discussion of planetary models is indicated for the last two years of elementary school, discussing the current configuration of the solar system, without textualizing the historical and epistemological development of scientific theory. In the case of the state document, we did not identify regional knowledge, such as Astronomy and Cosmology of the indigenous peoples.</p>Patricia Matos Viana de AlmeidaNádia Cristina Guimarães Errobidart
Copyright (c) 2024 Patricia Matos Viana de Almeida, Nádia Cristina Guimarães Errobidart
2025-01-272025-01-27221254710.5354/2735-7279.2025.73933Experienced educational policy: academic regime and teaching praxis at the secondary level
<p>This article analyzes the reception in the teaching praxis of the changes in the academic regime for secondary education in Argentina, taking the case of Santa Fe as a case study. From an ethnographic perspective, fieldwork was conducted in two schools in the city of Rosario, where we conducted unstructured interviews and participant observations. In these institutions, the implementation of interdisciplinary work and collegiate evaluation, the transformations to the promotion scheme and the strategies of personalized pedagogical accompaniment were problematized. The research carried out shows that educational policies act as regimes of truth, placing the academic format and teaching work as axes in the transformation of the secondary level, although without modifying structural aspects. In this way, policies affect the perceptions, practices and subjectivities of teachers, being at the same time affected by them in the implementation, in processes where criticism, resistance, interpretations and resignifications are observed, which give shape to the educational policy experienced.</p>Silvia Alucin
Copyright (c) 2024 silvia alucin
2025-01-272025-01-27221487310.5354/2735-7279.2025.74745Increased learning or grade inflation? A comparative analysis of internal and external assessment systems in secondary education
<p>School assessment assesses curricular achievement and educational quality to the extent that it is relevant, reliable and valid. Objective. To analyze the performance of students in the second year of high school, comparing the consistency of the teacher's school grade (internal evaluation) with the scores of standardized tests (external evaluation). A longitudinal analysis (2014-2022) of the school performance databases of the Ministry of Education and the results in the standardized tests of the System for Measuring the Quality of Education in Chile is performed. It compares both evaluation systems of a total of 250,000 students organized in 2,972 schools. The data show a continuous decoupling between the internal and external evaluation systems. On the one hand, there is a sustained increase in teachers' school ratings and, on the other, a relative invariability in standardized test scores, both in language and mathematics. This situation is particularly evident in schools that preferentially serve students of a higher socioeconomic level. This evaluation inconsistency would indicate the existence of a practice of grade inflation, a strategic behavior in response to the pressures that various agents directly or indirectly exert on teachers.</p>Carlos Rodríguez GarcésDavid Romero GarridoDenisse Espinosa-Valenzuela
Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Rodríguez Garcés, David, Denisse
2025-01-272025-01-27221749610.5354/2735-7279.2025.74683Writing performance of elementary school students in rural areas of Colombia: a comparative study by gender
<p>The main objective of this study was to examine the writing performance of elementary school children in rural areas of Colombia and its relationship with gender, using a non-experimental, correlational and comparative quantitative research approach. The instrument selected to measure the level of writing was the Writing test of the Child Neuropsychological Evaluation Test ENI-2, validated in the Colombian population, which was applied to a sample of 1029 primary school children between 7 and 16 years of age (52.9% were boys and 47.1% girls). The results showed that, in general terms, both boys and girls have a performance close to the normative mean in writing, being in the domain of accuracy the one with the best scores, followed by narrative composition and speed. Likewise, statistically significant differences were found in favor of girls, although with small magnitudes. In conclusion, students in general do not exceed the average in writing scores, showing the need to increase the resources of rural schools and also to provide gender-focused support.</p>Esther ChinerJohana Margarita Escudero-CabarcasLilia Angélica Campo TerneraMarbel Gravini Donado
Copyright (c) 2025 Esther Chiner, Johana Margarita Escudero-Cabarcas, Lilia Angélica Campo Ternera, Marbel Gravini Donado
2025-01-272025-01-272219712110.5354/2735-7279.2025.76141Teaching and learning process of oral communication in elementary school: a systematic review
<p>Oral communication is a fundamental tool to promote the development of various cognitive, interactive and emotional abilities in students and to stimulate communicative equality in multilingual and multicultural classrooms. Nevertheless, the investigation about this subject is still limited. This systematic literature review aims to describe current investigations about oral communication in order to inform and orient future studies. For this purpose, advanced research was done through an adaptation of the PRISMA declaration, which yielded a corpus of 19 articles. The studies were organized by theme into six categories: 1) teaching tools, 2) oral communication and curriculum, 3) teachers' beliefs, 4) oral communication as a teaching subject, 5) oral competence of students and teachers, and 6) teaching-related difficulties. A lack of empirical studies about the teaching practices oriented towards orality was found; and thus, orientation and suggestions for future research are discussed.</p>Lorena Andrade BenavidesLidiia Shepelytska
Copyright (c) 2024 Lorena Andrade Benavides
2025-01-272025-01-2722112214610.5354/2735-7279.2025.75571Miradas de profesores en formación a la revuelta de octubre de 2019 en Chile
Se analizan las percepciones de veinte estudiantes de pedagogía general básica de una universidad privada en Chile, en relación con las causas de la revuelta social de octubre de 2019, el papel que le asignan dentro de la configuración de sus identidades docentes y las posibilidades de enseñanza que ofrece. Sus visiones fueron recogidas a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y un grupo focal, y analizadas mediante análisis de contenido. Entre los resultados destaca: la revuelta asociada a una crisis multifactorial que condujo a un agotamiento colectivo de la ciudadanía. También, se constata que la revuelta es percibida como un fenómeno crucial para la construcción de las identidades docentes. Finalmente, se evidencia que se atribuye a su estudio un potencial educativo, principalmente en relación con la educación ciudadana y política.Sebastian Escobar GonzálezSebastián Quintana Susarte
Copyright (c) 2024 Sebastian Escobar González, Sebastián Quintana Susarte
2025-01-272025-01-2722114716610.5354/2735-7279.2025.75111Educational leadership in crisis during Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America
Crises promote the emergence of a specific type of leadership: educational leadership in crisis, the study of which expanded substantially after COVID-19. To systematize its reflection, the objective of this research was to identify main practices of leadership in times of crisis during COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. Applying a systematized review under the SALSA format, 32 quantitative, qualitative and mixed articles were found in the region. The results identified seven practices, including safeguarding learning, strengthening teachers' capacities, making critical decisions, paying attention to socio-emotional well-being, distributing leadership, reinforcing communication and learning. The conclusions allow us to delve deeper into the content of these educational leadership practices in crisis, but above all highlight low presence of learning practices and lack of meaning - making, a phenomenon that is important to remedy in order to prepare schools for other crises that may come in the future.Vanessa Orrego Tapia
Copyright (c) 2025 Vanessa Orrego Tapia
2025-01-272025-01-2722116718710.5354/2735-7279.2025.77490What school leadership does the inclusive education project need?
<p>The project of inclusive education implies a displacement of concepts, structures, practices and policies. This systemic interpellation especially affects school leadership, since it demands a shift in coherence in the personal and professional dispositions of directors, management teams and management teams. This text reviews and reflects on the school leadership that a school with an inclusive orientation need. To this end, 10 central ideas about the paradigm of inclusive education are presented. For each of the ideas, a set of areas of action for management teams is displayed. The final reflections suggest that inclusion in school requires school leadership with a conceptual, ethical, systemic and programmatic positioning.</p>René Valdés
Copyright (c) 2024 René Valdés
<p>The article discusses the coloniality of knowledge and power present in environmental education in the Chilean education system as the main source of environmental tension. From there, the proposal is to theoretically (re)think environmental education in order to advance towards its epistemological decolonization. Methodologically, this is an exploratory review of the object of study, based on scientific literature in journals indexed in Wos, Scopus, Scielo, Latindex and book chapters. The results support the urgency and relevance of moving towards environmental education from the dialogue of Mapuche and Western knowledge in Chilean intercultural school education. In conclusion, we propose to contextualise the teaching and learning of environmental education in an intercultural perspective, from an epistemological pluralism axis, for the formation of indigenous and non-indigenous citizens who are sensitive to and respectful of the environment.</p>Ilsa Mendoza-MendozaSegundo Quintriqueo MillánKaterin Arias-OrtegaFernando Peña-CortésMarleen Westermeyer-Jaramillo
Copyright (c) 2025 Ilsa Mendoza-Mendoza, Segundo Quintriqueo Millán, Katerin Arias-Ortega, Fernando Peña-Cortés, Marleen Westermeyer-Jaramillo