Thinking and processing. A review of democratic systems based on artificial intelligence from recognition, commitment and justice


  • Bárbara Urban Universitat Jaume I


This paper proposes a double reflection on the cognitive differences between humans and machines from ethics. In the first place, I will try to differentiate between human thought and machine processing through etymological, semantic and comparative methods that will reveal why it is not possible to attribute thinking capacities to artificial intelligences. On the other hand, these terms will be related to the praxis of representative democracy through various examples. This analysis is based on three aims: the need for mutual recognition through language; the commitment acquired through the word; and democracy as an expression of justice.


Thought, processing, democracy, reciprocity, Arendt, Habermas, language, commitment, representative democracy

Author Biography

Bárbara Urban, Universitat Jaume I

Las comunicaciones a la autora deben dirigirse por correo electrónico o por correo postal al Departamento de Filosofía y Sociología de la Universitat Jaume I, Avda. Vicente Sos Baynat s/n, 12071, Castelló de la Plana, España.


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