Budgetary analysis of the repair and comprehensive health care program 2006–2022


  • Ricardo Rivera Montero


In this exploratory study on the Comprehensive Health Repair and Care Program (PRAIS), an analysis of the budget allocated in the period 2006- 2022 by the Budget Directorate for the program and the Undersecretary of Assistance Networks of the Ministry of Health (MINSAL) is developed, on which it depends. This to carry out a sectoral analysis of the budget. The importance of this analysis lies in the low amount of research related to PRAIS, even though this, from the international literature, has been cataloged as a successful case of reparation in the context of post-conflict societies. The findings made confirm the incrementalist nature of the public budget and a null critical analysis with a Human Rights perspective on the subject.


Public Policies, Budget Analysis, Human Rights


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