El Leviatán acorralado : continuidad y cambio en el papel del Estado en América Latina


  • Roberto P. Guimaráes CEPAL


The issue of the State has gained special interest in Latin America in recent times. This is largely due to a recent trend in the social sciences to reassign a special priority to the State in the theoretical paradigms of interpretation of reality. The present work aims to analyze the role of the State in the context of three key elements of the Latin American dilemma: recovery of growth, construction of democracy and promotion of social justice. In the first part, some reflections on the formation of the State in Latin America are introduced. In the second, an attempt is made at a political-institutional approach to recent Latin American evolution. The third and last part of the essay represents a logical consequence, markedly prospective and purposeful, of the two previous sections.


State, Latin America, Growth, Democracy, Social Justice, Sociology and Political Science

Author Biography

Roberto P. Guimaráes, CEPAL

Cientista político brasileño; ha escrito numerosos trabajos sobre el Estado, desarrollo social en América Latina e implicaciones políticas de los problemas ecológicos. Es investigador de la División de Desarrollo Social de CEPAL, Santiago de Chile.