Una nueva dimensión para los bancos de desarrollo


  • Juan Carlos Langlois


A new category of financial institutions has emerged after the last world war: Development Banks. These are certainly one of the most remarkable innovations in the history of modern finance. These are banking establishments capable of granting loans whose funds come from both public and private resources, which must obtain profits, but their essential reason for being is development, a fundamental requirement of our time. The expression "seed capital" reveals the deep reason for being of these new institutions. Meanwhile, new financial guidelines have recently emerged from recent developments in the world monetary situation. These three new orientations - financial promotion, program financing and internationalization - should allow these institutions to offer new mechanisms of action.


Development Banks, International Monetary System, International Monetary Fund, Cooperation, Financing

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Langlois

Consultor financiero. Ex subrepresentante del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en Europa. Asesor del Fondo Internacional para el Desarrollo cCltural.