Realism and International Relations: an observation from the history of science and epistemology



This article aims an analysis on the Realist theory arguments in International Relations. Realism presents several concepts to understand the international system based on the centralism of the Nation-State, an anarchical international environment, and the balance of, power. In this paper, I propose to read the trajectory of these concepts and ask if they are relevant to understand international politics. This work finds that Realism took concepts of the natural sciences from the 16th century. This kind of readings are mechanical visions of the universe and was transferred to human essence and nature, and to the political behavior among nations. Given the prolific production of this school of thought, we have selected to make a descriptive and explanatory reading to 1) Hans Morgenthau, who considers himself the founder of Academic Realism, 2) Kenneth Waltz, who proposed a Neorealist reading from a structural perspective, and finally 3) Henry Kissinger, who is considered a realist as a policymaker. Firstly, I analyze the context in which the concepts that nurtured Realism. Then, I track the origin of these concepts that come from the philosophy of nature that shaped modern scientific thought. Finally, I describe the implications of thinking the international arena with categories and metaphors from other sciences.


Realism, Nature, Universe, Balance, Power

Author Biography

Daniel Blinder, Universidad Nacional de José Clemente Paz

Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) en el Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Productivo y la Innovación, Universidad Nacional de José Clemente Paz. Politólogo, Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador en Política de Ciencia, Tecnología y Relaciones Internacionales.


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