Author Guidelines
- Investigaciones Geográficas aims to publish original and unpublished research papers. The manuscripts will be sent to the Editorial Board , which will submit them to a peer evaluation process, on which their acceptance will depend.
General characteristics of articles
- These will be presented in letter size, with space 1.5, the font to use is Times New Roman.
- Articles should be 5000-10000 words long excluding references.
- The file must be sent in text format (.doc and .docx), in Spanish, Portuguese or English, through the website:
- The name of the file and its content should omit any reference to the identity of its authors or their affiliation. This information must be entered only through the registration form available on the website.
Bibliographic citations
They should go alone in the text. Examples:
- For an author: Rivera (2016) or (Rivera, 2016) - For two authors: Espinosa & Arriaga (2014) or (Espinosa and Arriaga, 2014)
- For more than two authors: Hormazábal et al. (2013) u (Hormazábal et al., 2013). In this case, all authors must be included in the list of bibliographic references.
- For textual citations, the text will be enclosed in quotation marks and the year of publication and the page number will be added: (García, 2017, p.95).
Scientific names, emphasized terms or belonging to a language other than Spanish: in italics.
Acronyms and abbreviations: The first time they are enunciated, their meaning must be specified.
Quote of illustrations
- Every illustration will be called a figure. They will be cited as Fig, 1, Fig., 2, etc.
Quote of tables
- They will be cited as Table 1, Table 2, etc.
Graphic material
All graphic material must be inserted in the text file in a location close to your citation. Additionally, images incorporated in the article must be attached as a separate file, which must comply with a minimum resolution of 250 DPI in .tiff or .jpg format. The graphic material must indicate title of the image and source of origin. In case of including graphic elements that are not the property of the authors, they must provide written proof of the corresponding permissions of the original authors or editors. Otherwise, said content will not be published by the magazine.
Article Scheme
This will be the scheme and in the indicated style (the number indicates the size of the letter):
- Title in Spanish and English (12).
- ABSTRACT (9): 120- 250 words (9 normal). It should be limited to effective information, such as synthesis, including purpose, methods and main results of the work.
- Keywords (9): 3 or 4 words.
- INTRODUCTION (10): It will contain the status of the subject and the purpose of the work (10).
- MATERIALS AND METHODS (10): The area chosen, the elements analyzed and the foundations of their choice will be treated according to the methods used (10).
- RESULTS (10): It will include only the facts found as a product of one's work. The organization of your exhibition may contain subtitles (10).
- DISCUSSION (10): Analysis of the results of the work in the context of the state of the subject and of the accumulated theory (10).
- CONCLUSIONS (10): Derivations and deductions from the results and discussion, without repeating what has already been stated (10).
- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (10): Brief and precise. Mention institutions that provided funds or supports for the work presented (10).
- REFERENCES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS (10): Format APA (American Psychological Association). Publication Norms: Investigaciones Geográficas adheres in its format of citations and bibliographical references to the APA style. The bibliographical references of the articles sent to Investigaciones Geográficas must adhere to the following citation parameters:
1) At least 50% of the bibliographic references must be scientific articles published in mainstream journals (Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO), preferably of the last ten articles.
2) Book citations, book chapters, theses, memoirs, dissertations, congress papers or technical documents should be avoided, and not exceed 20% of all references.
3) The self-citations can not exceed 30% of the total bibliographic references.
4) In the case of textual citations, author, year and page (s) should be indicated in parentheses: (Delgado, 2016, p.102). All quotations should be in quotation marks. Examples of Bibliographic References:
Scientific journal article
- Castro, C. P., Ibarra, I., Lukas, M., Ortiz, J. & Sarmiento J.P. (2015). Disaster risk construction in the progressive consolidation on informal settlements: Iquique and Puerto Montt (Chile) case studies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 109-127.
- Martin-Vide, J. (2004). Spatial distribution of a daily precipitation concentration index in peninsular Spain. International Journal of Climatology, 24(8), 959-971.
- Romero, H. & Vásquez, A. (2005). Evaluación ambiental del proceso de urbanización de las cuencas del piedemonte andino de Santiago de Chile. Revista EURE (Santiago), 31(94), 97-117.
Chapter of the Book
-Aliste, E. (2015) Sustainability and Territory: An Approach to Shape Development from the Perspective of the Imaginary. In Global Sustainability (pp.119-135). Springer International Publishing.
- Arriagada, J., Soto, M.V. & Sarricolea, P. (2014). Morphodynamic Environment in a Semiarid Mouth River Complex Choapa River, Chile. In Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing. InTech.
Institutional Report
- Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. (2002). Censo 2002. Recuperado de
- Goudie, A.S. (2013). Arid and semi - arid geomorphology. Cambridge University Press. - Harvey, D. (2007) A brief history of neoliberalism. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Strahler, A. H. (2008). Modern physical geography. John Wiley & Sons.
-Cabello, M. (2015). Análisis geomorfológico de la sección occidental del cordón sarco. Identificación de terrazas marinas región de Coquimbo, Chile (Tesis para optar al título de Geógrafo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile). Recuperada de
-Casanova, P. (2013). Geohistoria del concepto de desarrollo en la conurbación Concepción-Talcahuano: hitos urbanos y huellas territoriales de medio siglo (Tesis para optar al título de Geógrafa, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile). Recuperada de
Conference Paper
- Tumini, I. (Octubre, 2015). Enfrentar el cambio: desde el Urbanismo Sostenible hasta la Ciudad Resiliente. Trabajo presentado en la Conferencia Internacional & Taller Talca "Gentrificación en Reconstrucción de Ciudades Intermedias Globales". Talca, Chile.