
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

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Estimation of land subsidence using differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry in the Central Valley (Costa Rica)



SAR interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar is a remote sensing technique used for applications such as digital terrain model generation and monitoring deformations in the earth's surface. DInSAR technique (InSAR differential) exploits the phase, that is sensitive to changes in the topography of the terrain and changes of elevation between two ground tracks over the same area. In order to obtain ground information, a digital terrain model is required, and phase differences allows estimates of ground vertical displacement with better than 1 cm relative accuracy. The present work allowed to estimate a surface deformation of urban areas of the Central Valley in Costa Rica, after 1st of August 2020 eruption of Turrialba volcano. To that end, several Sentinel-1 images from the European Space Agency have been used.


interferometry, radar, remote sensing, Sar, subsidence


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