Convocatoria ventanilla abierta N°69 de Revista de Investigaciones Geográficas: Una mirada desde el sur.
Idiomas aceptados: español, inglés y portugués. Plazo de envío: 30 de abril de 2025.
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Approximately in the 33 degree of southern latitude, the occidental Andes mountains shows an altitudinal vegetation distribution from the 800 to the 3500 meters.
The local -ecologycal conditions and the effects of the altitude don't permit observe a clear sucession in the vegetable-level-represented in this area. In a general way speaking, the MOUNTAIN-LEVEL still conserve a number of sclerophyllous evergreen trees representatives typicall from valley and lowlands (Lithraea caustica, Quillaja saponaria, Maytenus boaria).
By the other side, the SUBANDINE LEVEL presents a number of new exponents with an high-adaptability characteristic (Colliguaya, Kageneckia, Escallonia).
Over 200 meters of altitude, the ANDINE_LEVEL shows a low and disperse shrub associated with grass and perennial gramineous (Adesmia, Calceolaria, Berberis, Laretia, Stipa), short grassland with andine meadows. Usually moist much of the summer due to melt water. A little bovine and caprine grazing is practiced in the fertile plains sectors.
In a general way speaking, must be said that this region is being exposed to the degradation done by the felling of trees, grazing and tourism effects