Publication policies

Evaluation process

Manuscripts interested in publishing in the Estado, Gobierno y Gestión Pública, both for the thematic dossiers and for regular articles, will go through the following evaluation process, each step requiring passing the previous one:
Notification of receipt of the article: for the thematic dossier, we will wait for the closing date of the manuscript reception process. For regular reception articles it will be done in the calendar month that corresponds to the submission.

1st stage: preselection of articles
For both sections, The review of the manuscripts will be carried out in three aspects:

1) profile and scope of the journal
2) structure of a scientific article (IMRaD format),
3) compliance with the standards established by the journalthe.

The co-editors will conduct the manuscript selection process for the thematic dossier with the support of the corresponding guest editor. After the review of the first filter, the manuscripts will be analyzed in the academic integrity review system of the writings and similarity detection through the Turnitin software. The maximum percentage of accepted similarity is 20%.Manuscripts that do not pass the preselection are informed through the reception system explaining the decision, without the need to send an editorial resolution and will be archived.

2nd stage: peer review

For selected manuscripts, they will be sent for double-blind peer review; that is, without authorship data and to external evaluators who are experts in the subject of the manuscript, providing that they have no relationship with either the author or the institution to which they belong.
The editorial decision will be made based on the corresponding evaluations, which may be these:

• Approved
• Approved, with minor modifications
• Revise and Resubmit
• Rejected

For all resolutions, the evaluations will be sent through the system together with the editorial decision.
The authors will have a period of two weeks to resolve the requests. The new version of the manuscript must be sent with track changes and a document that must inform in detail the changes made.
The authors are responsible for standardising the manuscript to the specific presentation standards.

3rd stage: editorial review of changes made

Once the corrected manuscript is returned, the changes made will be reviewed by the co-editors and the final resolution of publication or rejection of the manuscript will be sent.
In conjunction with the review of the modifications made, the manuscripts will be analyzed again in the similarity program (Turnitin).
You should consider:

1. Exceptionally, new changes to the manuscript may be requested, if the modifications have not been fully resolved.
2. A manuscript may be rejected by editorial decision if the deadlines reported are not met without prior notice to the editorial team and if the set of documents requested by the journal is not sent through the evaluation system.
Note: Once the publication of the manuscript is accepted, proof of publication will be sent. The articles for theregular reception section will be published in order of acceptance, prioritizing the oldest articles in the system.

Estimated publication times

The average number of weeks between submission and publication of the manuscript is 30 weeks.

Publishing FrequencyEstado Gobierno y Gestión Pública is a biannual journal that is published in the months of July and December of each year.


The opinions and contents of the published documents are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily compromise the journal's point of view.
Upon receipt of the articles, editors and evaluators are free to suggest partial modifications to their content without affecting the meaning of the author's arguments. After accepting the articles for publication, the journal can reproduce the contents for dissemination purposes, duly indicating the authors.