The meanings attributed by teachers to their pedagogical practice with children with physical and intellectual disabilities in two schools of indigenous primary education in Oaxaca, Mexico
Today, indigenous children with disabilities are subjects of rights. Several national and international documents recognize the rights of people with disabilities to access and participate in different social places, such as accessing to inclusive education in regular indigenous schools. The study focuses on the qualitative paradigm from a comprehensive interpretive approach, which allowed capturing and unveiling a teachers’ social reality through in-depth interviews. The findings found are focused on teachers’ representations, based on experiences to attend to children with disabilities. Some of those are: lack of professional training and training received difficulties in their pedagogical practice, possible causes attributed to the suffering suffered by the students, the characteristics of the difficulties they carry, family context in the indigenous communities. Also, it shows the difficulties they face in the challenge of having students in the regular classroom.
Victoria, G. (2019). The meanings attributed by teachers to their pedagogical practice with children with physical and intellectual disabilities in two schools of indigenous primary education in Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 14(2), 66–80. Retrieved from