“Quality education” in chile? An approach to its social representation in university students



The discourse raised in the Chilean recent student mobilizations coincides with the country's educational authorities regarding the need to improve "educational quality"; but this declaration contains a high degree of ambiguity. The objective of our study was to explore the social representation (SR) of Quality Education constructed by students in various Chilean university schools of education or pedagogy. A questionnaire with closed and open questions was applied to a sample of 437 university students. On the database and textual corpus obtained, a triangulation of different methods of qualitative textual analysis was applied (lexicometry, mapping and analysis of concordance or key words in context). The results allow us to identify the expression of two hegemonic institutional discourses in Chile in the Quality Education SR: a technocratic one, associated with the dominant economic development model; and an axiological one, associated with a moral and humanist rhetoric, which proposes certain corrections to the previous model. Missing are critical and alternative approaches that could allow a structural transformation of the current neoliberal institutionalism.


quality, higher education, social representation, text mapping

Author Biography

Joan Calventus Salvador, Universidad de Chile

Psicólogo, Universidad de Barcelona, Magíster en Sociología Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, y doctor en educación, de la Universidad de Barcelona. Coordinador y profesor del Magíster en Salud Mental y Psiquiatría Comunitaria, Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad de Chile.