Discourses of deaf students on their inclusion in secondary education: Barriers and facilitators



The article discusses the changes in educational communities in favor of inclusion and participation of deaf students, considering the challenges that remain. The objective was to reveal the barriers and facilitators that students face on a daily basis, identifying practices that favor inclusion and/or exclusion. The study qualitatively analyzes the subjectivities of seven deaf students from 15 to 17 years old about their experiences of inclusion in high school. In-depth interviews were conducted in Chilean Sign Language (CLSh) and photo-elicitation. The results point out as facilitators: (a) availability of human and physical resources, (b) communication strategies and (c) accessibility. And as obstacles: (a) absence of mechanisms to promote participation and universal access, (b) inaccessible spaces, (c) lack of communication and (d) discrimination against deaf students. The transformation of school attitudes and practices in favor of inclusion constitutes the main challenge.


deaf education, special education, inclusive education, language barrier