Rethinking the educational knowledge and know-how. A critical analysis from feminist pedagogies


  • Nicole Salas Salazar Universidad de Chile


In light of our current times, the need to advance towards the de-patriarchalization of education has been demonstrated. This is due to the fact that the educational spaces in which we participate are far from becoming neutral instances, since they produce and reproduce multiple biases that exist in a stage of global legitimation of a hegemonic scientific knowledge with andocentric, patriarchal, heteronormative and ethnocentric/colonist characteristics. In this context, feminist pedagogy proposes a rereading, not only of the pedagogical practice, but in the same way of the reflections on the educational epistemological thought. From the above, on this occasion the main postulates on the matter will be developed.


Feminist pedagogies, Gender, Education, Pedagogical knowledge, Pedagogical practice