How Is The Current Regulation On School Evaluation, Qualification And Promotion Articulated In The Evaluation Regulations In Antofagasta?



This article contributes to identify the levels of implementation and articulation of the current regulations on evaluation, qualification and school promotion (Decree 67/2018) in the regulations of five educational units of the city of Antofagasta, rated as "insufficient" by the Quality Assurance Agency in Chile, with the aim of providing recommendations that can strengthen and turn such regulations into guiding instruments of the evaluation process, highlighting formative evaluation as a focal point, which allows students to be accompanied in the comprehensive development of their learning. This research is based on the qualitative paradigm, it is cross-sectional - exploratory and descriptive. Case Study, content analysis is used as a research technique. The results show a devaluation of formative evaluation and scarce definitions of criteria and procedures to manage and resolve situations of evaluation, repetition and school promotion; this implies that the regulations disregard the current legislation and fail to transfer their essence. Finally, guidelines are delivered to educational communities for the improvement of their evaluation regulations, under the adoption of criteria and procedures recommended by the regulations of Decree 67.


evaluation, qualification, school promotion, formative evaluation

Author Biographies

Carola Andrea Herrera Bravo, Universidad de Antofagasta

Académica de la Universidad de Antofagasta. Doctorada en Ciencias de la Educación. Antofagasta, Chile

Patricio Aguirre Zúñiga, Ministerio de Educación

Doctorado en Educación mención Gestión Escolar. Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Educación, Antofagasta.

Frank Honores Barrios, Universidad de Antofagasta

Máster en Docencia para Profesorado Universitario en la Universidad de Barcelona. Académico Universidad de Antofagasta.

Nicole Riveros Diegues, Universidad de Antofagasta

Doctorado en Filología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Académica de la Universidad de Antofagasta